Necromunda: Underhive – Badzone Delta-7 (2018)

Andy Hoare
Категориии ещё не указаны (добавить)
Очки действий, Бросание кубиков, Модульное поле, Переменная сила игроков
Время игры
~60 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «Necromunda: Underhive – Badzone Delta-7»

This collection of double-sided board tiles expands and changes your games of Necromunda: Underhive by adding new, atmospheric places to fight - and new rules, which can be found in the Gang War 2 Gaming Supplement (including adaptations for Sector Mechanicus battles). Nine tiles are included, exactly the same size as the tiles found in the Necromunda: Underhive boxed game, and the hazards upon them include:

  • Cult Ritual Chamber: a hidden shrine to the Ruinous Powers that can drive a man insane
  • Collapsed Sections: these feature large pitfalls, and the shifting floors are easily affected by blasts
  • Archaeotech Device: a functional, mysterious device from centuries ago - press the button and see what happens
  • Furnace Floor: this gives off such violent heat that it can affect ranged attack
  • Ventilation Tunnel: a huge fan whose turbulent currents can drag gangers to their doom
  • Malfunctioning Generatorium: abandoned electrical machinery that can deliver a devastating shock
  • Sludge Farm: massive vats of "biological run-off" which unwary gangers can fall into
  • Flooded Passage: injured gangers can find it hard to keep their head above the water
  • Sewage Channel: a dangerously fast-flowing stream of mycoprotein
  • Promethium Cache: fuel spills, barrels and tanks that can be detonated by a wayward shot
  • Unlit Corridors: their darkness obscures gangers, making ranged attacks more difficult
  • Secure Vault: extremely tough and hard to get into
  • Fungus Sprawl: not only does this fungus provide illumination, it boasts incredibly poisonous spores
  • Waste Compactor: it's possible to climb out of this compactor - assuming nobody switches it on...
  • Xenos Nesting Chamber: filled with egg sacs that can burst open with xenos hatchlings at any time


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