Neuroshima Hex! Generator Pola (2015)

Michał Oracz
Категориии ещё не указаны (добавить)
Карты на руках
Время игры
~30 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «Neuroshima Hex! Generator Pola»

The Field Generator is a single tile supplement for Neuroshima Hex! and it is one of the prizes which can be acquired only by participating in Polish Championships in Neuroshima Hex 3.0 ongoing in 2015.

Controllable Token - Until under control of another token, it doesn't belong to any faction and is treated by every player as enemy's token: it blocks line of fire, cannot be moved by an own Move tile, own Modules cannot be connected to it, wounds every target within its range and vice versa, it can be pushed away, netted, taken over etc. If controllable token is connected to any unit of any faction (also HQ or Module), it immediately becomes a unit of this faction and is treated by it as its own. Controllable token is always connected with adjecent token, indicated by connection icon (identically as in the case of modules).

Enters play at the cost of 1 token from the draw - At the beginning of the game the token lies by the board and waits to be entered to the game by any player. To do it, player must additionaly discard one more token from his 3-token draw. Player then puts this token on any empty field on the board. After elimination of this token, it is again put next to the board and any player can again put it into play at the cost of 1 token from the draw.

Description of Field Generator
A Field Generator is a unit that operates continuously, irrespective of the initiative phase (similar to Nets).

Field - Field Generator affects every token within its line of fire (similar to Gauss Cannon). The effect of the Field is only Temporary Paralysis, working on a target as long as it is within Field Generator's line of fire. Temporary Paralysis deprives the target of possibility of any attack. The rest of the abilities of paralysed unit remains unchanged (Modules, Nets, Toughness, Armor etc. works normally). If the Field Generator is nobody's, then it affect all units of all players. If the Field Generator is under control of one player, then it only affects opponents units.

Rotation - When controlled by a player (see Controllable Token above), Filed Generator can be rotated in any direction by the controlling player once per his/her turn, including the turn when a controlling unit is placed adjacent to Filed Generator's connection icon.


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