Neuroshima Hex!: Mercenaries from Alabama (2007)

Michał Oracz, Stephen Pole
Категориии ещё не указаны (добавить)
Карты на руках
Время игры
~40 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «Neuroshima Hex!: Mercenaries from Alabama»

Rare expansion, can be found in some of the original Neuro Hex boxes. Gives you 4 chips (one for army) and an small information in instruction manual. You can choose which is going to which army, but i realized it by simply looking at them. Rules? Yes, please:

Get the chip somewhere you can see it for time of play. When you want, you can switch another chip and replace it with mercenary.

A set of 4 tokens
Alabama Mercenaries are soldiers of fortune who can reinforce any other army.
In a 2-player game, players decide whether to add 1 or 2 Mercenaries to their armies.
In a 3- or 4-player game, each player places 1 chosen Mercenary tile face down next to his regular army.
When drawing tokens, a player can always draw his Mercenary instead of his own army unit.
For ALL game purposes, the chosen Mercenary tile is treated as a regular unit owned by whoever played that tile.
As a visual reminder, players can mark their Mercenaries with HQ tokens.


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