NichtLustig: Labor Chaos (2009)

Ivo Dekoning, Joscha Sauer, Anke Pohl, Thilo Rick
Карточная, Комиксы, Вечеринка
Карты на руках
Время игры
~30 мин
Количество игроков
3 — 6
Возраст игроков

Описание «NichtLustig: Labor Chaos»

Another card game based on the german webcomic NichtLustig by Joscha Sauer and his latest print publication "NichtLustig 4". It features characters from that book like the mimicry duck, a time-travelling dinosaur keen on borrowing stuff he never returns, yetis, suicidal lemmings and crazed scientists.

Advertised as a party game with rules that can change during play.

From the publisher's website:
"Actually my cards aren't that bad: If another player now laughs, I'll only have two cards left in my hand. And of course I must pass the dinosaur, otherwise I'll never get rid of the last card. So let's change the victory conditions, then this should work.
But what's that? Now the machine starts rumbling and I receive additional cards! Just because there's so many players wearing glasses! These scientists just can ruin any plan! But just wait, it's my turn next. And I tell you, that will be NOT FUNNY (NichtLustig)!"

Integrates with:

  • Nichtlustig: Noch mehr Labor Chaos


И другие бонусы.

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