Nights of Fire: Battle for Budapest – Broadcast from the Radio Promo Card (2018)

Dávid Turczi
Контроль территории, Кооператив, Карты на руках, Тайные действия
Время игры
60 — 90 мин
Количество игроков
1 — 3
Возраст игроков

Описание «Nights of Fire: Battle for Budapest – Broadcast from the Radio Promo Card»

Setup: Place this card next to the main board, as close to District 5A as possible.

Gameplay: When a Revolutionary player is taking a move action, for 1 ops they may move a single fighter between District 5A and the Radio card. Once a fighter is moved onto the Radio, it is immediately revealed (and stays revealed if it moves back to District 5A). As long as there is at least one fighter present, the Revolutionary player(s) gain 1 momentum at the end of each round (immediately before the Adjustment Phase), and each time a civilian is arrested.

Fighters on the card still count as units in District 5A and can be targeted by attacks while there. The card is removed from play when it first empties after at least one fighter was present on it.
Insurgents on the Radio are NOT hidden at the end of the round.
If playing against the Konev automated opponent, units on the Radio count double for the purposes of calculating threat, and are dealt damage to first.

For added thematic flair, as long as there is at least one insurgent on the Radio card, play Beethoven’s Egmont Overture very loudly.

When playing Days & Nights campaign mode (Red Army Pack expansion required), the Radio Broadcast is only available for play if the Making Pamphlets event on the Printing Press promo was solved in day 3-5.

The Radio Broadcast is supported both in Zhukov and Conflict modes, in any player counts.


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