Ninja All-Stars: Moon Princess (2016)

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Приключения, Коллекционирование
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Время игры
60 — 90 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 4

Описание «Ninja All-Stars: Moon Princess»

Moon Princess is a mercenary ronin for Ninja All-Stars. Ronin bring potent new abilities to a player’s team that are entirely unique to them. As mercenaries, ronin may be used by any player, on any team. This makes ronin invaluable assets for every team, regardless of clan, since they may be used to supplement a team’s weaknesses in battle or further augment their strengths.

Schooled since birth in the ancient, esoteric arcana of her family, the Moon Princess sometimes tires of merely watching the Moonlight Tournament. She often desires to use her own strange and terrible power against the warriors competing to do her honor. Yet, competing in the tournament exposes her to threats, assassination attempts, and even death. In truth, though, these dangers are part of what makes these outings so appealing to her.


Introduces Unique Abilities
Fully Assembled Model
Majestic and Magical Moon Princess


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