Nuns on the Run: The Monk (2012)

Morgan Dontanville
Юмор, Религия
Механики ещё не указаны (добавить)
Время игры
~60 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 5
Возраст игроков

Описание «Nuns on the Run: The Monk»

Father Robert (a visiting monk who happens to be deaf) begins the game in the Outer Garden by the Garden Entry (location 84). The Guard player takes the 6 movement tokens. The Guard player doesn't take a Blessing Card for the monk. One turn one, the guard selects one of the 3 garden gate paths to have the monk follow: either to the Pharmacy (122), the Kitchen (147) or the Scriptorium (101). The monk moves during the Guards Move phase of the game, and only walks (3 or 4 spaces).

Since the monk is deaf, he does not get a sound check, nor do novices need to check to see if he hears them during the novice's noise check. He does, however see just like the other guard characters do (180-degree vision, up to 6 spots away). If a novice enters his field of vision, they must reveal themselves. The monk cannot capture a novice, and novices may move through his position without penalty. If a novice shares the same space as the monk the novice is detected. When the monk arrives at his path destination, choose another token that includes his current location and continue his movements.

You will only use 4 of the 6 tokens during the game - 2 of the 3 garden gate tokens (entering and leaving the convent) and 2 of the 3 tokens that allow travel between the Pharmacy, Kitchen, and Scriptorium.

The guard player may use any combination of tokens, but you may visit a convent location only once (with the exception of the Garden Gate). Once the monk returns to the Garden Gate, remove him from the game.


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