Okko Chronicles: Cycle of Earth – The Long Quest (2023)

Frédérick Condette, Hub
Приключения, Комиксы, Фэнтези, Миниатюры
Поле для перемещения, Кооператив, Бросание кубиков, Карты на руках, Модульное поле, Соло, Переменная сила игроков
Время игры
60 — 90 мин
Количество игроков
1 — 5
Возраст игроков

Описание «Okko Chronicles: Cycle of Earth – The Long Quest»

As the armies of Karasu closed in on us, I remembered our past adventures in the palaces of Pajan, seeking to unmask the Oni hidden among the hosts... What I wouldn't have given for some of our old allies to come to our aid!

This expansion is primarily intended for owners of the two games Okko Chronicles - Cycle of Water and Cycle of Earth and their expansions. It aims to allow the use of part of the Cycle of Water material in the Cycle of Earth and vice versa.

This expansion provides material to use some of the Cycle of Water figures in the Cycle of Earth:

- An Identity Card for Tikku, his Initiative Card and his 8 Action Cards
- Identity card for Eiko Bashimon, her Initiative card and her 8 Action cards
- Identity card for Anko Kaori, her Initiative card and her 8 Action cards
- An Identity Card for Ninjas
- Identity Card for Oni Yama
- An Identity Card for Oni Kage

It also provides materials to use some of the Cycle of Earth miniatures in the Cycleof Water:

- An Identity card for the Bushi
- An Identity Card for the Archers
- Identity card for the Fire Faces
- An Identity Card for the Taishö
- An identity card for Mitsu Hatori

Finally, this expansion offers a great campaign using the material of the 2 previous Okko Chronicles games:

- 1 Campaign Book of 80 pages
- 1 Pajan Map
- 1 Time token, with a Day / Night side
- 20 Food / Koku counters
- 9 Reputation counters numbered from 01 to 09 (1 Execrable, 2 and 3 Doubtful, 4, 5 and 6 Uncertain, 7 and 8 Honorable and 9 Excellent)
- 6 Bashimon Clan counters (or cards), with the same front side but 3 corrupted Clan sides and 3 uncorrupted Clan sides
- 12 Object cards
- 1 calendar card

The campaign book is based on the campaign "Adventure in Pajan" available for free on BGG. It will be largely modified and completed in order to integrate the scenarios of the Earth Cycle and to allow an even greater immersion in the Pajan universe. This booklet allows to link a large number of unpublished scenarios or spread in the different boxes and extensions of the Water Cycle and Earth Cycle to create a huge campaign using more than 50 different scenarios and quests.

In the course of their adventure, Heroes will travel across much of the empire, from the cold city of the Silver Silks to the azure seas of the south to the snowy mountains of the 7 Monasteries range. Depending on the circumstances, their choices, their successes (or failures), the sequence of scenarios will be completely different, allowing for a unique adventure.


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