Остров Страха (2009)

Время игры
~25 мин
Количество игроков
5 — 25
Возраст игроков

Описание «Остров Страха»

From publisher:

The Island of Fear
Can you survive until sunrise?

A plane carrying a group of tourists to the Maldives crashes in the Indian Ocean. On the first night after the crash, the survivors realize that there were werewolves on the plane with them. These fiends organized the whole crash so that they could hunt down some humans in the moonlight. There is only one way to survive until the rescue crew arrives – find out who the werewolves are and lynch them.

The Island of Fear is probably the most advanced version of the world-renowned Mafia game. First of all, in addition to the normal tourists and werewolves, there is a sexual predator, a clairvoyant, a nurse, a witch, an untouchable, a nightwalker, a half-blood werewolf and even a were-hamster. All sorts of nasty surprises can be expected from this colorful group of people. Second, the game contains a set of event cards that create specific events as the game progresses. Third, there are object cards that can both help or hinder the owner. Finally, the game comes with a DVD with mood-setting backgrounds and a timer for day-time voting. Also included are a chart and voting tokens to help manage the game.
