Panzer Grenadier: 1940 – The Fall of Luxembourg (2013)

Michael Bennighof
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30 — 120 мин
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1 — 2
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Описание «Panzer Grenadier: 1940 – The Fall of Luxembourg»

From the Avalanche Press website:

1940: The Fall of Luxembourg gives you the entire order of battle of Luxembourg forces in the Second World War in Panzer Grenadier format. That adds up to a whopping 16 counters, including leaders, plus four more markers for the curious Luxembourgeouis (Luxemburger? Luxembourgian?) defense strategy: stop the Germans by closing big steel doors across the roads. Maybe if we turn out all the lights they’ll get the hint and go home.

You even get scenarios for them!


И другие бонусы.

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