Panzer Grenadier: Airborne (2001)

Michael Bennighof, Brian L. Knipple
Варгейм, Военные
Бросание кубиков, Модульное поле
Время игры
~120 мин
Количество игроков
Возраст игроков

Описание «Panzer Grenadier: Airborne»

A Hex-and-Counter game that uses the Panzer Grenadier system. While the mechanics are the same as PG, it is a stand-alone game. The game centers around platoon level combat that takes place in Normandy just after D-Day. The American player controls elements of the 101 Airborne while the German player controls the hardened Grenadiers.

Infantry and Vehicle platoons are activated by Command Units. Activated units can then move, shoot and fight in close combat. Combat is resolved by the roll of one or two dice and table check.

About 165 counters and 1 map board are included. The components have wonderful graphics.

This game was re-released in a second edition as Panzer Grenadier: Airborne – Introductory Edition.


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