Panzer Grenadier: Black SS (2010)

Mike Perryman
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Описание «Panzer Grenadier: Black SS»

Black SS is a book supplement for the Panzer Grenadier series, with 30 new scenarios by Mike Perryman depicting the actions of Waffen SS divisions in the last years of the Second World War. There are also 165 new die-cut and mounted playing pieces depicting all of the SS playing pieces found in Elsenborn Ridge, Road to Berlin and Beyond Normandy games with a black background requested by many fans, rather than the camouflage pattern used in those games.

A note regarding the use of black to depict SS units; from the AP website:

"...many gamers have asked for them in that pattern, and my views have altered. For one thing, these are just little squares of colored, laminated cardboard. The black scheme has little to do with Nazi Germany; it's a game publishing idea. German situation maps made during the war do often use black ink for SS units (with blue for regular Army, red for enemies, green for allies). Otherwise, it's a tradition out of the dawn of wargaming. When we asked for feedback on new counter sets, the black SS units were far and away the leading choice.

And so we have the Black SS set, 176 die-cut and mounted pieces in a new color scheme. It reproduces every SS unit and leader from three games: Elsenborn Ridge, Beyond Normandy and Road to Berlin. If you don't like the black scheme, you don't need them. If you like it and want to see the SS get crushed in the most visible form possible, it just plugs right in. It's an extra, and a fairly inexpensive one at $9.99."

Read the full article here:


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