Panzer Grenadier: Carpathian Brigade (2011)

Michael Bennighof, John Stafford
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Описание «Panzer Grenadier: Carpathian Brigade»

A supplemental scenario book for the Panzer Grenadier game series by Avalanche Press. The supplement address real, abortive and hypothetical battles of Polish exiles in North Africa. There are 11 scenarios total.

The scenario geography is primarily around Tobruch but there are scenarios of the East Libyan desert and El Alamein. In addition to the famous title unit, the Carpathian Lancers, 1st Polish Artillery Regiment, and 2nd Warsaw Armored Brigade also get turns in the spotlight.

Stated requirements for play are Desert Rats, Cassino ’44, and White Eagles. Players knowledgeable with the series will be able to find adequate substitutions for units, if they don't have all of the supporting games. Desert Rats however is a firm requirement, as it provides the maps.


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