Panzer Grenadier: DAK '44 (2010)

Doug McNair
Категориии ещё не указаны (добавить)
Механики ещё не указаны (добавить)
Время игры
~60 мин
Количество игроков

Описание «Panzer Grenadier: DAK '44»

DAK '44 is a supplement for the Panzer Grenadier system based on the potential battles of the continuation of action in the western desert after Alamein. This module is not playable by itself, but requires ownership of our Afrika Korps, Beyond Normandy, Cassino '44 and Desert Rats games. There are 10 scenarios included.

There are 88 new German pieces in the desert scheme first introduced in Afrika Korps. They include Tiger, Tiger II and Panther tanks, Hetzer tank destroyers, Wespe self-propelled artillery plus the anti-tank guns, mortars and rocket launchers of Germany's 1944 arsenal.

DAK '44 is sold BOTH as a .pdf download and as a printed booklet with actual playing pieces.


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