Panzer Grenadier: Hopeless, But Not Serious (2009)

Michael Bennighof, Doug McNair
Категориии ещё не указаны (добавить)
Механики ещё не указаны (добавить)
Время игры
~30 мин
Количество игроков
Возраст игроков

Описание «Panzer Grenadier: Hopeless, But Not Serious»

Hopeless, But Not Serious is a supplement for the Panzer Grenadier system based on the actual actions of the Austrian Army against Socialist and Nazi militias in 1934, and potential battles foreseen by the Jansa Plan in 1938. This module is not playable by itself, but requires ownership of our Eastern Front, Road to Berlin, Battle of the Bulge, Elsenborn Ridge and Cassino '44 games and our Edelweiss and Sinister Forces supplements to enjoy all of the scenarios. There are 16 scenarios, two each from the Austrian Civil War and Nazi Uprising of 1934, one based on the only actual combat between German and Austrian units in 1938, and the other 10 drawn from potential battles considered by the Austrian General Staff that did not actually occur.

Hopeless, But Not Serious is sold via PDF download as well as in a professionally published edition with mounted, die-cut counters.


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