Panzer Grenadier: Iron Curtain – Maple Leaf Brigade (2016)

Michael Bennighof
Категориии ещё не указаны (добавить)
Бросание кубиков
Время игры
30 — 240 мин
Количество игроков
1 — 2
Возраст игроков

Описание «Panzer Grenadier: Iron Curtain – Maple Leaf Brigade»

From the publisher:

In 1951, Canada created a brigade to serve as its contribution to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s defense of West Germany against potential Soviet aggression. Initially designated as the 27th Infantry Brigade, the unit would go through a number of re-namings and re-structurings over the years that followed until the withdrawal of Canadian troops from Germany in 1993.

Composed of long-service volunteers rather than the conscripts who manned other NATO formations, the Canadian Brigade set a standard for excellence in the Alliance’s ground forces, and would eventually be assigned a “fire brigade” role in planning for a potential ground war against the Soviet Union.

Iron Curtain - Maple Leaf Brigade introduces the Canadian Army to Panzer Grenadier. It’s part of our Iron Curtain setting, looking at a Cold War turned hot in the early 1950’s. There are 88 new playing pieces showing the Canadian Brigade in its configuration of that era, with a complete armored regiment and a small helicopter squadron as well as its tough infantry. Plus you get a set of 10 scenarios to use them (that’s as many as some publishers will give you in what they call a “complete” boxed game).

Iron Curtain - Maple Leaf Brigade is a supplement for Panzer Grenadier: Elsenborn Ridge. It is not a complete game: ownership of Elsenborn Ridge, Iron Curtain - Hammer & Sickle and Road to Berlin is necessary to play all of the 10 scenarios included. Iron Curtain - Maple Leaf Brigade also includes 88 laser-cut and mounted playing pieces.


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