Panzer Grenadier: Roer River Battles – Germany Under Siege (2009)

Mike Perryman
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Описание «Panzer Grenadier: Roer River Battles – Germany Under Siege»

Description by Avalanche Press

"Among the headwaters of the Roer River in western Germany, near the Belgian border, seven dams blocked the river's flow. Used for flood control and hydroelectric power, they presented a massive danger to Allied plans. American staff officers believed the Germans could blow them up or simply open their gates to create massive flooding all the way downstream, from the Roer to the Maas River in Holland, and stop the Allied advance in its tracks. To prevent this, the dams would have to be secured — and the newly re-energized German Army would not give up an inch of national territory without a fight."

Roer River Battles is a supplement for the Panzer Grenadier series of games, with 10 scenarios based on these events. Roer River Battles includes just this booklet; you'll also need to use boards and pieces from Battle of the Bulge and Elsenborn Ridge games and some pieces from Cassino '44 and Road to Berlin games and Iron Curtain supplement.

Roer River Battles is sold BOTH via .pdf download and as a printed booklet.


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