Path of Light and Shadow: Promo Pack (2017)

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Описание «Path of Light and Shadow: Promo Pack»

Stretchgoals from the Path of Light and Shadow Kickstarter Campaign. This promo pack is not included in the retail version of the game.

The pack contains in total 17 new cards.

5 New Advisors:

  • Taskmaster
  • Hierophant
  • Zealot
  • Pathfinder
  • Blade Dancer
6 New Numerai:
  • Magelord
  • Omenweaver
  • Thronesbane
  • Towerblade
  • Ghostcloak
  • Stormcaller
6 New Allies:
  • Siegemonger
  • Cogsmith
  • Hinterland Eminence
  • Firstcrown
  • Royal Spy
  • Daughters of Dusk


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