Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Mummy's Mask – Adventure Deck 2: Empty Graves (2016)

Mike Selinker, Chad Brown, Tanis O'Connor, Paul Peterson, Gaby Weidling, Keith Richmond, Liz Spain
Карточная, Кубики
Механики ещё не указаны (добавить)
Время игры
~90 мин
Количество игроков
1 — 6
Возраст игроков

Описание «Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Mummy's Mask – Adventure Deck 2: Empty Graves»

Your Mummy’s Mask adventure continues! You’ve barely started exploring the tombs of Wati when the dead began to rise throughout the city. You’ll need to calm the panic in the streets before you can cross swords with the cultists behind the undead uprising. The Pathfinder Adventure Card Game: Empty Graves Adventure Deck is a 110-card expansion that adds 5 new scenarios to the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game, and also includes new locations, villains, monsters, curses, traders, loot, and more.


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