Payoff Pitch Baseball (2013)

Joe Bryan
Карточная, Кубики, Распечатай и играй, Спорт
Бросание кубиков, Имитация событий
Время игры
~25 мин
Количество игроков
1 — 2
Возраст игроков

Описание «Payoff Pitch Baseball»

Payoff Pitch Baseball offers a unique pitcher – batter interaction that realistically replicates the game of baseball on the tabletop. Each at-bat starts on the pitcher card to determine the quality of the pitch and then flows to the batter card to resolve the at-bat. This is all done quickly and effortlessly using either dice and charts or an alternate Fast Action Card (FAC) system.

The dice version of the game uses two six-sided and two ten-sided dice. The Fast Action Card version of the game includes 112 cards. Both the print and PDF versions can be played with either dice or cards (or both if one chooses). The only difference between the versions is one is printed and shipped and the other is downloaded. PDF purchasers will need to supply their own dice, but otherwise receive the same materials printed game purchasers receive.

Each player card is based on the player's actual statistics for a given season and most teams have 32 to 35 players.


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