Phalanx: Great Battles of Alexander Module (1998)

Mark Herman
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~240 мин
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Описание «Phalanx: Great Battles of Alexander Module»

Sellasia, 221 BC
Mantinea, 207 BC

Phalanx covers two of the major battles in the waning days of the Successor Wars, in which the Greek city-states and leagues and the descendants of the original Diadochoi were still fighting for Hellenic supremacy, and in which the phalanx -- the massive, heavy infantry formation brought to peak efficiency by Alexander -- was still in its heyday. The armies in these battles are very Macedonian in style, with a lot of mixing of unit types and capabilities, with the exception that, because of the terrain, reliance on cavalry is almost non-existent. The phalanx itself was still the army's anchor, although it was only a generation away from its initial comeuppance at the hands of a Roman army at Cynoscephalae.

To play Phalanx, you need a copy of The Great Battles of Alexander / Great Battles of Alexander, Deluxe Edition.

(from GMT website)


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