Pocket Landship: Free Trial Version (2017)

Scott Allen Czysz
Кубики, Распечатай и играй, Варгейм, Военные
Бросание кубиков
Время игры
5 — 20 мин
Количество игроков
Возраст игроков

Описание «Pocket Landship: Free Trial Version»

Pocket Landship is a solo 9 card wargame set in a World War I-ish world. Command a landship (the original British term for tanks) to clear a sector of enemy infantry, artillery, and landships.

The player chooses either side of the 3 player cards to create either a single high powered landship with a main cannon and side sponsons, or a lesser armed landship plus a corvette class landship or squad of shock troops.

The player then chooses either side of each of the 6 enemy cards to create the enemy forces - a collection of enemy landships, artillery, infantry, and mine fields arranged in 2 rows of 3 cards.

Each turn, the player will roll 3 6-sided dice and assign each die to each of their cards to attack the enemies. Then, for the enemy turn, roll the 3 dice and assign them low to high left to right across the front enemy line, then take the assigned actions.

Each card has its own damage track. When a card is destroyed, it is removed from the game. Win by destroying all 6 enemy cards. Lose if the enemy destroys your landship.

Cover art and card background images are public domain art from WWI artist Muirhead Bone.

Pocket Landship was entered in BGG's 2017 9 Card Nanogame PnP Design Contest.


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