Raiders of the North Sea: Garphill Games 5-Year Anniversary Promos (2019)
- Авторы
- Категории
- Категориии ещё не указаны (добавить)
- Механики
- Время игры
- 60 — 120 мин
- Количество игроков
- 2 — 4
- Возраст игроков
- 12+
Описание «Raiders of the North Sea: Garphill Games 5-Year Anniversary Promos»
Contained in the Garphill Games 5-Year Anniversary Promo Pack - a special set of web-exclusive promo packs for some of Garphill Games' releases from the past 5 years.
These are the cards included in that pack that expand Raiders of the North Sea:
3 New Hero Cards for Raiders
- Maya
- Girard
- Constantine
4 Replacement Cards for Raiders
- Merchant x2
- Trader x2
3 Byzantine Outsider Cards for Raiders (Invader, Scout, Thief)
3 Saracen Outsider Cards for Raiders (Adventurer, Vigilante, Warrior)
9 New Townsfolk Cards for Shipwrights
- Warmonger x2
- Gatekeeper x2
- Brawler x2
- Champion x3
5 New Apprentice Cards for Architects
- Abbot x1
- Defender x2
- Watchman x 2
3 New Viking Building Cards for Architects
- Viking Boat House
- Viking Church
- Viking Market Hall