Rangers of Shadow Deep (2018)

Joseph McCullough, Barrett Stanley
Книга, Кубики, Фэнтези, Сражения, Миниатюры, Варгейм
Очки действий, Бросание кубиков, Ролевая игра, Переменная сила игроков, Кооператив
Время игры
60 — 120 мин
Количество игроков
1 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «Rangers of Shadow Deep»

A kingdom stands on the brink of destruction, as the vast realm called the Shadow Deep slowly swallows everything in its path. As the army fights to contain the tide of evil creatures teeming up out of the black clouds, the kingdom’s best soldiers, the rangers, must venture down into the shadows to gather information, rescue prisoners, and ambush enemy supply lines. It is a desperate fight against overwhelming odds, but every little victory brings another day of hope.

Rangers of Shadow Deep is a solo and co-operative tabletop miniatures game, in which players create their ranger, gather companions, and play through a series of missions in their fight to hold back the darkness. If their rangers survive, they will grow in power and ability, and be sent on more difficult, dangerous and intricate assignments.

—description by the publisher


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