Rebel Seas: The British Navy at Bay Part I (2002)

Mark A. Campbell
Военные, Книга
Одновременные действия
Время игры
~240 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 30
Возраст игроков

Описание «Rebel Seas: The British Navy at Bay Part I»

The British Navy at bay - part one

Rebel Seas is the second volume in Mark Campbell's Close Action series.

Its 20 scenarios cover naval actions in American waters during the American War of Independence. They range from one-on-one frigate actions to grand fleet engagements with over 20 ships of the line on each side. Each scenario contains the same level of research and commentary found in Close Action: The Age of Fighting Sail Vol. 1.

Rebel Seas is the first of three books spanning the years 1774-1792. The other volumes will treat the struggle for India (Monsoon Seas: Suffren's Campaign for India) and England's blockades of its Continental foes (European Seas: The Lifeline of Empires).

(source: Clash fo Arms website)


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