Red Christmas: Moscow Counteroffensive (2008)

Andrea Garello
Категориии ещё не указаны (добавить)
Механики ещё не указаны (добавить)
Время игры
~180 мин
Количество игроков

Описание «Red Christmas: Moscow Counteroffensive»

Red Christmas-the CSIR and the Moscow Counteroffensive, December 22-30, 1941, brings the ASL enthusiast directly into the path of a combined-arms Red Army assault. Mixed German and Italian forces try and stave off disaster on the Eastern Front in a series of pitched battles depicted in the module's scenarios.

Historical battlefield maps are what CH is all about and Red Christmas continues that tradition with two new historical maps depicting the villages of Orlovo Ivanovka and Novo Orlovka, situated directly in the path of Stalin's Moscow counteroffensive.

This is not a complete game! Ownership of Beyond Valor is required to use this product. Ownership of Hollow Legions is NOT required. Variant 'Berlin Style' MMC, SMC, SW, and needed Guns are provided for Italian combatants.

Contents: 6 scenarios, 2 historical maps, variant special rules, and die cut color counters.


  • Advanced Squad Leader
  • Beyond Valor: ASL Module 1


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