Relicblade: Adventure Battle Game (2015)

Sean Sutter
Приключения, Фэнтези, Средневековые, Миниатюры, Варгейм
Очки действий, Построение колоды/мешка/движка, Бросание кубиков, Испытай удачу
Время игры
30 — 60 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «Relicblade: Adventure Battle Game»

Relicblade is a small scale fantasy skirmish game where one player takes command of a party of heroes on their righteous quest, while the other player harnesses the brutal fury of the pig men. Brave and wicked alike are drawn to powerful relics lost in the ruins of the ancient world.

The characters are represented on the board by detailed 30mm miniatures while their statistics and abilities are shown on convenient character cards. The real tactical depth comes in as players choose from dozens of unique upgrades to specialize their characters to gain a tactical advantage. Will you choose to specialize your druid as a support healer, or upgrade her bear form into a DPS monstrosity?

Battles are fought over an unidentified magic item that has drawn the characters to that spot. When characters are finally able to seize the relic it is drawn randomly from the Relic Deck. Relics grant an unnatural boon and are used just like upgrades, however they far surpass any upgrade in power. But if the character wielding the relic is disabled anyone can pick it up.

Standard games of Relicblade are played on a 2'x2' area, and players usually only field between three and six characters. Standard games usually last around 45 minutes. Relicblade is fast paced, dynamic, and fun.


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