RiaCon Window Pattern Card (fan expansion for Sagrada) (2018)

Adrian Adamescu, Daryl Andrews
Драфт карт, Бросание кубиков, Шаблоны, Сбор предметов
Время игры
30 — 45 мин
Количество игроков
1 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «RiaCon Window Pattern Card (fan expansion for Sagrada)»

This window pattern card is a fan made expansion for the Sagrada boardgame, featuring level 5 and 6 patterns.
We are listening to you asking why this card has the name "RiaCon"... Allright, allright, you win. We will tell you the story!

In Portugal - similar to other countries - we have annual conventions to play boardgames with people from everywhere.
We belong to the boardgamers group of Aveiro, a city that is known as Portugal's Venice :)
This city is well known for it's river named "Ria de Aveiro", an arm from the sea that passes through the city.
That's the reason why this convention is named RiaCon and the card received the name by inheritance.

As volunteers in RiaCon we had the crazy ideia of designing one card to Sagrada to mark the difference in this event.
In this way, we could encourage the participants that didn't knew Sagrada to try it out and the ones that already knew the game to play it once again.

Now we are sharing it with you and we hope that you enjoy playing with this expansion as much as we do!


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