Risk 2210 A.D.: A Call To Arms – Celestial Dawn Command Deck (2010)

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Драфт карт
Время игры
~240 мин
Количество игроков
3 — 5
Возраст игроков

Описание «Risk 2210 A.D.: A Call To Arms – Celestial Dawn Command Deck»

From the publisher's site:
At Insurgency Gaming we've now release our seventh expansion deck for Risk 2210 AD and as such we'd like to give you the opportunity of adding this exciting new deck to your collection.

With the release of our brand new A Call To Arms - Celestial Dawn command deck, alongside our six other existing decks including it's sister deck, the A Call To Arms command deck, we've introducing a new twist.

Unlike our previous command decks which were designed to be used as stand alone decks, the decks in the A Call To Arms range have the additional options of being used together. You can mix and match them to your hearts content into either an all new 20 card command deck or, use them all to form a 40 card supreme mother of all command decks.

The A Call To Arms decks are designed to be the first of the next generation of command decks that will ultimately bring more and more new deck combinations into the fold allowing players to customise the Risk 2210 AD even more.


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