Risk 2210 A.D.: Advanced Tech Command Deck (2007)

M. G. Smith
Категориии ещё не указаны (добавить)
Контроль территории, Поле для перемещения, Аукцион, Бросание кубиков, Переменный порядок фаз
Время игры
~90 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 5
Возраст игроков

Описание «Risk 2210 A.D.: Advanced Tech Command Deck»


In the not too distant future, with the face of the planet having been ravaged and torn apart by decades of hostilities, the world's top minds have been tasked with creating more devious and devastating ways of waging war. The time for diplomacy has long since passed. The time for advanced warmongering is upon us.


One of the biggest differences from the classic game is the addition of commanders: land, naval, space, nuclear, and diplomat. These fill a number of roles with the most basic function being to act as an improved army unit, enabling players to roll eight-sided dice rather than the typical six-sided, but perhaps the most important function of the commanders is allowing the purchase and use of cards of various types. The addition of these cards, and in particular the addition of the Advanced Tech command deck, has a huge effect upon the gaming dynamics. With the addition of these cards the board is opened up making no position impregnable and no attack a certainty. With these cards in use, the game is more fluid with gaming positions and strategies needing to be constantly shifted


The Advanced Tech cards are designed for use as command cards alongside the original sets provided with the standard game. No additional commander token has been provided as it is suggested that the Advanced Tech cards be used in place of the Diplomat cards. If preferred, the Advanced Tech cards can be used in conjunction with additional tokens, representative of an additional commander, therefore allowing the use of all five of the original commanders as well.

Advanced Tech 2nd Edition

Released in its original form in the summer of 2007, this twenty card expansion deck was then re-released in January 2008 sporting some new wording and improved graphics. Like our other decks, the Advanced Tech Command Deck is designed to be used alongside the original game and can either be used in place of an existing command deck of the players choice or with the use of additional command tokens available from our online store.
Second edition adds +1 Landmine and subtracts the one Subliminal Orders

- Landmine (Cost 1 to be played at beginning of turn before any attacks): This card allows the playing player to draw a land territory card which they then place secretly in front of them. The next time an opponent attacks the territory shown, that player loses Mods equal to half of a D6 dice roll.


  • Risk 2210 A.D.


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