Risk 2210 A.D.: Aerial Assault Command Deck (2008)

M. G. Smith
Контроль территории, Поле для перемещения, Аукцион, Бросание кубиков, Переменный порядок фаз
Количество игроков
2 — 5

Описание «Risk 2210 A.D.: Aerial Assault Command Deck»

Introduces a new Aerial Commander to Risk 2210 along with a corresponding deck of Command cards. According to Insurgency Gaming,

"Each of these new commanders, once brought into play, allows the player who owns them to fly a Sortie at the beginning of each of their turns prior to making a standard attack.
Each sortie flight takes part in three of distinct stages:
1. Outbound Flight
2. Bombing
3. Return Flight "

Purchase price includes two Aerial commanders and the 20 card deck.

Card distribution:

3 x Propaganda

3 x Resurrection
3 x phoenix
3 x Storm Troopers

2 x Kamikaze
2 x Aerial Assault
2 x Air Raid
1 x Dark Angel


Aerial Command Token:

  • The major change brought with the Aerial Assault command deck is the introduction of the new Aerial Commander. Unlike previous expansion decks, the Aerial Assault deck comes with two neutral colored commanders in order to slot directly into game play as and when required. Each of these new commanders, once brought into play, allows the player who owns then to fly a Sortie at the beginning of each of their turns prior to making a standard attack. At any point where the Aerial commander is not flying a sortie it may be moved like any other commander and also receives the standard d8 defensive dice.

Flying A Sortie:
Each sortie flight takes part in three distinct stages:

1. Outbound Flight - player rolls a d6 dice to establish the maximum amount of territories the Aerial Commander may fly and moves the commander accordingly. The Commander can move between neighboring territories up to the value on the dice - movement may include both land and water territories even if they are controlled by another player. Once the commander has come to the end of its outbound flight the controlling player may choose to commence bombing, this need not be the case if the commander comes to rest in a territory they control.
* In such a case the controlling player may simply choose to finish the sortie here leaving the commander in place within that territory.

2. Bombing - once the Aerial commander has come to rest above an enemy territory the controlling player should roll a d6 dice and follow the appropriate action dependent upon the number rolled...
* 1 & 2 Plane is hit by flak. STOP ATTACK. Aerial commander receives half d6 roll on return flight.
* 3 MISS. Commander may continue bombing.
* 4, 5 & 6 HIT. Destroy one army in the territory being bombed. Bombing may continue. A maximum of threee armies may be destroyed in this fashion before making the return flight.

3. Return Flight - player rolls a d6 dice to establish the maximum amount of territories the Aerial Commander can move baring in mind any reductions in movement caused by flak damage in the Bombing phase. If the Aerial commander cannot return to a land territory owned by the same player or if it ends its flight above a water territory then it crashes and is destroyed. Once the sortie has ended then that player may continue with the normal run of play.

Additional Aerial Commanders:

  • Although only two Aerial Commanders are supplied with the Aerial Assault deck, additional commanders can be obtained from Insurgency Gaming. These additional commanders may be bought by any player during the normal purchase phase of play for the standard price paid for commanders and then placed accordingly.
What if There’s More Than Two Players:
  • Due to the fact that the Aerial Assault deck is originally only provided with two Aerial commanders instead of the five that would ultimately be needed for all players to use them, this is where the two Aerial Assault cards included within the deck come into play, and where their inclusion or exclusion from the deck become of paramount importance.
  • In the case where only two Aerial commander tokens are available, by playing with standard rules, this would mean that the first two players to obtain the commanders would then have sole use of the Aerial command deck and this have a hugely unfair advantage over the other players.
  • In order to rectify this, if only two Aerial commander tokens are available, then the Aerial command deck becomes open to all players from the beginning of the game regardless of whether or not a player controls an Aerial commander. Please note that sorties can and only be carried out through the use of Aerial commanders and, in this case, these can only be brought into play through the respective Aerial Assault cards within the deck.
  • If there are enough Aerial commanders for all players then the Aerial Assault cards should be removed from the deck. This means that the purchase of Aerial commanders now falls into line with the standard rules. Please note, in such an instance the Aerial Assault deck is now only open to those players with Aerial commanders in play.


  • Risk 2210 A.D.


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