Risk: The Battle for Medieval England (2019)
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- Количество игроков
- 2 — 5
- Возраст игроков
- 10+
Описание «Risk: The Battle for Medieval England»
England has faced many battles in the past; The Battle of Hastings in 1066, prompting the Norman Conquest; The Second Barons’ War of the Roses in 1471, Securing the throne for Edward IV; Culminating in The Battle of Bosworth Field in 1485, where Richard III of the House of York was killed, heralding the end of the Plantagenet dynasty and the birth of the Tudor age.
In our new Risk game it’s your turn to engage in combat never before seen on such a scale, attempting to conquer England and take the crown!
Play as one of five different armies, as you try to capture England and take the throne. Only once all opposition has been wiped out can you lay your claim and become the true King or Queen of England.
As you fight for supremacy, the opposing armies will do their best to stop you. If your army is not victorious by the end of the Middle Ages, then the battle is over and all armies must retreat as the king’s men regain control of the land. With special Power cards to boost your forces or destroy your plans, and special missions to capture strategic strongholds, this game of Risk is an epic battle for control of England.. and the royal throne.