Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island – Crewmen Deck I (2015)

Ignacy Trzewiczek
Кооператив, Бросание кубиков, Модульное поле, Переменная сила игроков
Время игры
90 — 180 мин
Количество игроков
1 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «Robinson Crusoe: Adventures on the Cursed Island – Crewmen Deck I»

Crewman cards are not considered players, but are special Characters that are used to reduce the difficulty of a scenario. Regardless of the number of players, before you start the game, you can choose 1 Crewman card.
None of the crewman cards affect the total number of players when considering Shelter, Roof, and Palisade costs or in any other case.
There are 6 different Crewman cards available in this set.

For the Artist and the Old Cook apply the same rules as for Friday, with the following changes:

  • both Artist and the Old Cook require Shelter, otherwise during the Night phase they receive Wounds for sleeping in the open air
  • Determination tokens are useless for them
  • the Old Cook is affected by weather
  • when playing with the Artist the First Player receives +1 Determination in the Morale phase
  • when playing with the Old Cook during each Hunting action the Beast gives the players +1 Food and +1 Fur
  • Playing with Pilgrim each round during Action phase one of the players may re-roll one Action die of any color.
  • Is immune to all game effects.
  • Playing with Quatermaster each Starting Item can be used 4 times instead of only 2 (place 4 markers on each Starting Item card at the beginning of the game).
  • Is immune to all game effects.
  • Playing with Sawbones any time a player heals a Wound and this makes his wound marker pass the Morale descrease symbol then increase Morale level by 1.
  • Has a limited life.
  • Is affected by Weather.
  • Doesn’t have to eat in the Night phase.
  • Doesn’t provide an additional pawn.
  • Allows you to play the game with face-up Hunting deck.
  • Doesn’t provide an additional pawn.
  • Is immune to all game effects.


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