Rogue Scenarios (1983)

Jon Mishcon, John Kenower, Joseph Suchar
Категориии ещё не указаны (добавить)
Бросание кубиков
Время игры
~200 мин
Количество игроков
Возраст игроков

Описание «Rogue Scenarios»

A pad with 10 scenarios for the Squad Leader series.

They are named "rogue" because they use substandard Squad Leader boards 9, 10, and 11, which are not an integral part of any Squad Leader gamette.

The pad includes the following scenarios:
R211: AULD LANG SYNE; January 1, 1945; Gerimont, France
R212: ON THE ROAD TO ANDALSNES; April 24, 1940; Norway
R213: TRAVERSE RIGHT ... FIRE!; June 23, 1941; somewhere south of Bialystok, Russia
R214: THE FRONT IN FLAMES; August 22, 1943; 20 km south of Kharkov, Russia
R215: HASTY PUDDING; May 27, 1940; France
R216: A SMALL TOWN IN GERMANY; April 8, 1945; Friesoythe, Germany
R217: THE WHIRLWIND; April 18, 1945; Aschaffenburg, Germany
R218: OPERATION SWITCHBACK; October 6, 1944; Holland
R219: SCHELDT FORTRESS SOUTH; October 25, 1944; Holland
R220: CLEARING THE BRESKINS POCKET; October 6, 1944; Holland
R221: VITALITY I; October 24, 1944; Holland
R222: INFATUATE II; November 1, 1944; Westkapelle, Walcheren Island, Holland
R223: NIGHT DROP; June 6, 1944; Cherbourg Peninsula, France


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