Sagrada Familia tile (fan expansion for Carcassonne) (2018)

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Описание «Sagrada Familia tile (fan expansion for Carcassonne)»

This is a fan expansion created by the non-profit association It was created with the purpose of having a seal inside the Carcassonne’s community and was given as a gift in the 2018-2019 catalan’s league of Carcassonne.

The expansion consists of a tile of the ‘Sagrada Familia’. When it appears in the game, should be played normally placing it where the player wants. Since from that moment on, the enlarged city with the Sagrada Familia tile no may be closed throughout the game, but it will be possible to expand with more city ​​tiles while never closing the city ​​with the Sagrada Familia.

Exception 1: In the case that the placement of the Sagrada Familia tile closes a city, that city will have 0 points and the meeples will return to the corresponding players.

Exception 2: In the case that the Sagrada Familia tile can’t be validly placed anywhere on the board, this tile will be returned to the box and will not come into play again during this game. The player in turn takes another tile from the pile in order to do his turn normally.

At the end of the game, the city with the Sagrada Familia tile will be counted as an incomplete city following the usual scoring rules.
If any other tile taken during the game can only be placed in the city with the Sagrada Familia tile closed, this tile is removed from the game and the player in turn takes another tile in order to do his turn normally.

Variant: In this variant the city that contains the tile of the Sagrada Familia yes can be closed normally but in this case it will count 0 points and the meeples will remain blocked until the end of the game. So be careful not to close the city if you have meeples inside and try to make it as big as possible to avoid it


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