San Juan: The New Buildings & The Events (2009)

Andreas Seyfarth
Карточная, Строительство, Экономика
Карты на руках, Сбор предметов, Переменный порядок фаз
Время игры
~45 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «San Juan: The New Buildings & The Events»

Expansion I,The New Buildings
The 31 new cards (26 violet buildings and 5 factories), are shuffled with the cards from the basic game.

Expansion II, The Events:
6 different event cards are added.
During the game every time an event card is revealed face up, whether it be during the card’s distribution at the beginning of the game, during the councilor phase, the trader phase, the prospector phase, by using the power of a building or by the resolution of an event, this card is placed face up alongside the character tiles in the middle of the table, and a replacement card is drawn immediately.

This expansion has not been released separately, but can be found in the Treasure Chest.

The buildings (but not the events) were also included in the 2014 edition of San Juan, along with a new building not previously available in any version: The Hut.


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