Sarkophag (2015)

Механики ещё не указаны (добавить)
Время игры
~15 мин
Количество игроков
3 — 6
Возраст игроков

Описание «Sarkophag»

Reckless researchers have opened one ancient sarcophagus after another, and in so doing have rudely disturbed the peace of the resting mummies. Now the addlebrained, musty fellows are roaming throughout the catacombs, and they turn out to be surprisingly affectionate. With a little skill and a fragrant whiff of tactics in this trick-taking game, you can completely avoid taking too many of these scatterbrained guys home in your luggage.

In Sarkophag, each player has ten cards in hand. Each round, each player plays exactly one card. The second card played determines whether subsequent cards in the round must be higher or lower than what was led. Whoever plays the highest/lowest card (depending on what that second card determined) takes the "trick", collecting all the cards played. If, however, a player cannot follow the rule — for example, having only higher cards in hand when supposed to play a lower card — they take the trick.

Whoever takes the trick is cursed with a few mummy heads; however, they also start the next round. The game ends as soon as all ten tricks have been played. Now each player counts the little mummy heads on their cards, and the player with the fewest mummy heads wins.
