Scenario 100's (1979)

Courtney F. Allen
Категориии ещё не указаны (добавить)
Бросание кубиков
Время игры
~200 мин
Количество игроков
Возраст игроков

Описание «Scenario 100's»

A pad with 10 Cross of Iron scenarios for the Squad Leader series.

The pad includes the following scenarios:
101: BLOCKING ACTION AT LIPKI; July 3rd, 1941; Near Borisov
102: SLAMMING THE DOOR; August 17th, 1941; In the Panikovo Forest
103: BALD HILL; September 11th, 1941; Leningrad
104: THE PENETRATION OF ROSTOV; July 24th, 1942, Rostov
105: NIGHT BATTLE AT NOROMARAYEVKA; January 1st, 1943; At the village of Noromaryevka
106: BEACHHEAD AT OZEREYKA BAY; February 4th, 1943; in the Ozereyka Valley
107: DISASTER ON THE DNIEPER LOOP; September 24th, 1943; Dniepr River
108: BLOCK BUSTING IN BOKRUISK; June 29th, 1944; Bokruisk
109: COUNTERATTACK ON THE VISTULA; August 6th, 1944; near Wola Chodkowska
110: THE AGONY OF DOOM; April 19th, 1945; Muncheberg, Germany


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