Scenario 200's (1981)

Courtney F. Allen
Категориии ещё не указаны (добавить)
Бросание кубиков
Время игры
~200 мин
Количество игроков
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Описание «Scenario 200's»

A pad with 10 Crescendo of Doom scenarios for the Squad Leader series.

The pad includes the following scenarios:
201: SACRIFICE OF POLISH ARMOR; September 1, 1939; Novy Targ region, Southern Poland
202: UNDER COVER OF DARKNESS; September 12, 1939; Gdynia, Northern Poland
203: BITTER DEFENSE AT OTTA; April 28, 1940; Gudbrandsal Valley, Norway
204: CHANCE D'UNE AFFAIRE; May 14, 1940; near Chehery, France
205: LAST DEFENSE LINE; May 15th, 1940; Bouvellemont, France
206: FIGHTING AT WORLD'S EDGE; May 28, 1940; Taraldsvikfjell, Norway
207: THE FRENCH PERIMETER; June 2, 1940; Spyckar, France
208: ROAD TO KOZANI PASS; April 13, 1941; Komanos, Western Greece
209: THE AKROIRI PENINSULA DEFENSE; May 20, 1941; Profitilias, Crete
210: COMMANDO RAID AT DIEPPE; August 18, 1942; Varengeville, France


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