Scenario 300's (1983)

Jon Mishcon, John Kenower, Joseph Suchar, Steve Myrberg
Категориии ещё не указаны (добавить)
Бросание кубиков
Время игры
~200 мин
Количество игроков
Возраст игроков

Описание «Scenario 300's»

A pad with 10 G.I. Anvil of Victory scenarios for the Squad Leader series.

The pad includes the following scenarios:
300: TRIAL BY COMBAT; February 27, 1945; Elsdorf, Germany
301: THE CLEARING; October 10, 1944; Huertgen Forest, Germany
302: STAND FAST; December 10, 1944; Hamlet outside Obergeich, Germany
303: TRUST AND PARRY; March 15, 1945; Pfaffenheck, Germany
304: RIPOSTE; March 15, 1945; near Pfaffenheck, Germany
305: THE DUEL; March 15, 1945; in and around Pfaffenheck, Germany
306: THE RAG TAG CIRCUS; April 12, 1945; Barby on the Elbe, Germany
307: POINT D'APPUI; October 9, 1944; outside Bardenberg, Germany
308: HAN-SUR-NEID; November 11, 1944; Han-Sur-Neid, France
309: THE ROER BRIDGEHEAD; February 23, 1945; Koerrenzig, Germany


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