Scotland the Brave II (1999)

Ian Daglish
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Описание «Scotland the Brave II»

(from the back of the package:)

SCOTLAND THE BRAVE II covers events that took place to the north of StB I. including the first day of action for many British soldiers. 26th June 1944, was the baptism by fire of 15th Scottish division and its support arms. Only two of the Division's nine infantry battalions·- the 2nd Argylls and the 2nd Gordons - were Regular Army units, and those had not seen battle (the Argylls had spend much of the early pan of the war in the remote Orkney Islands). Likewise the armored units featuring in these scenarios. 31st Tank Brigade comprised two Battalions (7th and 9th R.T.R.) of highly trained and enthusiastic young men, keen to serve their country and attracted by the infantry tank units' emphasis on training and workmanship rather than the smartness and drill of the traditional cavalry. They would face the ultimate challenge from the best Hitler's war machine had to offer on the battlefields of Normandy 1944: Panzers from SS Hitlerjugend. SS Hohenstaufen and the 2nd Panzer Division Wien.

SCOTLAND THE BRAVE II includes a well-researched historical game map of the battlefield, special rules, ten new scenarios and two Platoon Leader 2.x campaign games. As a special bonus, CG 3 links the maps from StB I with StB II for a giant Normandy battlefield You will also receive a designer's notes booklet. Everything is included to play using your existing rulebook and game pieces.

Ownership of ASL, Beyond Valor and West of Alemein are necessary to play this game.

Scotland the Brave II is an expansion for the Advanced Squad Leader game system and can be linked to Scotland the Brave: The Epsom Offensive – June 28-30, 1944.


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