Scripts and Scribes: The Dice Game (2012)

Steve Finn, Sean S
Блеф, Кубики, Средневековые
Аукцион, Бросание кубиков, Испытай удачу, Сбор предметов
Время игры
~30 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 5
Возраст игроков

Описание «Scripts and Scribes: The Dice Game»

As a medieval monk, you are charged with increasing the prestige of the abbey's collection of historical and sacred texts. By acquiring the resources for manuscript illustration and reproduction, your abbey produces and sells its valuable works, thereby bringing in finances necessary for maintaining a fine abbey. Will you succeed in making your abbey the most prestigious of all?

The goal of Scripts and Scribes: The Dice Game is to acquire gold and to collect resources – scrolls, manuscripts, pigments, quills, ink – to exchange for gold. The game is a dice version of Scripts and Scribes (aka, Biblios) and follows the same basic theme, but with interesting changes due to the use of dice. As in Scripts and Scribes, players compete in five different categories and the values of the categories change during the game. In addition, depending upon the dice roll, there may be many or few auctions during the game in which players auction their resources for gold or auction gold for resources.


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