Second World War at Sea: Black Sea Fleets (2007)

Michael Bennighof, Doug McNair
Категориии ещё не указаны (добавить)
Механики ещё не указаны (добавить)
Время игры
~120 мин
Количество игроков
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Описание «Second World War at Sea: Black Sea Fleets»

Expansion for the Second World War at Sea series. Mostly for Bomb Alley.

Black Sea Fleet features a 64 page booklet with historical notes and 26 scenarios. The scenarios take place in the Black Sea with ships from Russia, Turkey and Romania. The module contains 70 long ship and 140 standard-sized counters.

Additions includes the battleships like Parizhaya Kommuna, Novorossisk and Sovietskaya Ukraina, the battle cruiser Sevastopol, several proposed aircraft carriers including the Varyan, plus cruisers and destroyers ranging from re-conditioned veterans of the Tsarist navy to the "Blue Beauty," the destroyer leader Tashkent. Romania has cruisers, while Turkey fields the battle cruiser Yavuz plus the ships she tried to buy in the 1930s. Aircraft range from the PZL-11 fighter in Turkish service through Romanian Fi.167 torpedo bombers to the Soviet I-15 biplane fighter and IL-2 Sturmovik attack plane.


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