Second World War at Sea: South American Navies (2016)

Michael Bennighof
Категориии ещё не указаны (добавить)
Бросание кубиков
Время игры
30 — 180 мин
Количество игроков
1 — 2
Возраст игроков

Описание «Second World War at Sea: South American Navies»

From the publisher:

Our Second Great War setting is based on the premise that the First World War came to a negotiated end in late 1916, leaving the great empires intact but planting the seeds of renewed conflict a generation later. Second World War at Sea: South American Navies looks at the involvement of Latin America's leading powers: Argentina, Brazil and Chile.

Each of these fleets has undergone the expansion and reconstruction allowed by strong economic growth and relative political stability - without a German economic collapse to fuel it, the Great Depression is no more than a world-wide recession. Political and especially economic ties have aligned the Latin powers with their European partners: Argentina with Italy, Chile with Britain, and Brazil with the Central Powers of Imperial Germany and Austria-Hungary, while maintaining a strong trade relationship with the United States.

Their fleets reflect this: the Argentine battleships have been re-built along the pattern of the Italian Conte di Cavour class, the Brazilians much like American battleships, and the Chilean ships like their British near-sisters. And each has added new ships and aircraft from those sources in pursuit of a balanced fleet. Of course, there are airships as well.

South American Navies is a supplement for the Second World War at Sea series, based on battles that never happened. There are 12 new scenarios in a story arc following the participation of the South American fleets in the Second Great War. It is not a complete game: Ownership of Cone of Fire (and only Cone of Fire) is necessary to play all of the scenarios included.

South American Navies includes 90 laser-cut and mounted playing pieces: 50 "long" pieces representing major warships and 40 square ones representing aircraft.


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