Sentinels of the Multiverse: Spite Agent of Gloom Promo Card (2013)

Christopher Badell, Paul Bender, Adam Rebottaro
Карточная, Комиксы
Кооператив, Карты на руках, Переменная сила игроков
Время игры
~45 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 5
Возраст игроков

Описание «Sentinels of the Multiverse: Spite Agent of Gloom Promo Card»

Released as part of the December Special - anyone purchasing any item from the publisher's webstore during December 2013 received this promo along with the Dark Watch and a GloomWeaver Promo.

Spite Agent of Gloom has 90 lives.

At the start of the game, put Spite's villain character cards into play, Agent of Gloom side up.

Remove all 5 Drug cards from the villain deck and put them face down in the villain play area. Search the villain deck for the card Safe House and put it into play. Shuffle the villain deck.

At the start of the villain turn, if there are (H) cards under the Safe House, flip Spite's villain character cards. If not, flip a Drug face up.

Whenever a Lab Raid would be played, discard it instead and Spite deals each Hero target 2 Melee damage.

At the end of the villain turn, Spite deals the Hero target with the highest HP (H) Infernal damage. If there are more cards under the Safe House than Drugs face up, flip a Drug face down.

At the end of the villain turn, flip a Drug face up.

Spite Broken Vessel (flipside of Agent of Gloom) has 90 lives.

Increase damage dealt by Spite by 1 for each card under the Safe House.

Whenever a card is placed under the Safe House card, 1 player may draw a card.

Whenever a Lab Raid would be played, discard it instead and spite deals each Hero target 2 Melee damage.

At the start of each Hero Turn, that player may remove a card from under the Safe House and put it into play. If they do, they may play a card.

At the end of the villain turn, Spite deals the Hero target with the lowest HP (H) minus 1 melee damage.

At the end of the villain turn, destroy a victim.


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