Shadows of Brimstone: Outlaw Promo Cards (2014)

Jason C. Hill
Приключения, Дикий запад, Кубики, Исследование, Ужас, Миниатюры
Кооператив, Бросание кубиков, Модульное поле, Переменная сила игроков
Время игры
~60 мин
Количество игроков
1 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «Shadows of Brimstone: Outlaw Promo Cards»

4 promo cards for Shadows of Brimstone. Includes 4 Gear Cards.

  • Outlaw Pistol (Promo Card 001)
  • Bandana (Promo Card 002)
  • Saxton's Fancy Tonic (Promo Card 003)
  • Tomb Chest (Promo Card 004)

Available when purchasing the game direct from Flying Frog, either online as part of the kickstarter or at conventions.

Bandana is also Starting Gear card for Shadows of Brimstone: Outlaw Hero Class and in Shadows of Brimstone: Dead Man's Bounty Game Supplement, both with different art variants.
Outlaw Pistol is also Starting Gear card for Shadows of Brimstone: Outlaw Hero Class.
Tomb Chest is available as a purchasable item in Town in the game but not otherwise as a Gear card.


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