Shadows of Brimstone: Serpent King on Kitarr'i Beast XXL Enemy (2021)

Jason C. Hill
Приключения, Исследование, Фэнтези, Ужас, Миниатюры
Кооператив, Бросание кубиков, Поле для перемещения, Модульное поле, Ролевая игра
Количество игроков
1 — 4

Описание «Shadows of Brimstone: Serpent King on Kitarr'i Beast XXL Enemy»

The Serpent Kings rule over the temples of the Sacred Valley, leading their armies to war from atop massive flying Kitarr'i Beasts. The Serpent King on Kitarr'i Beast is perhaps the most epic creature miniature in all of Shadows of Brimstone to date. This monstrous winged beast boasts an outrageous wingspan. With powerful, beating wings and long, razor-toothed jaws, the Kitarr'i Beast can chomp through even the toughest Heroes that stray too close. Atop this deadly mount, the mighty Serpent King rides, coiled around his horned saddle, and commanding the vast Serpentmen armies of his Tribe. The Serpent King wields ancient Tribal Relics and signals Battle Formations from on high, as he crushes the tribe's foes with each swing of his brutal Dark Stone sword.

Includes 1 XXL Enemy, Cards, Rules and Mission.

-description from publisher's website


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