Шахматы Хаоса (2010)

Bruno Faidutti, Pierre Cléquin, Тимофей Бокарёв
Абстрактные, Карточная
Механики ещё не указаны (добавить)
Время игры
~60 мин
Количество игроков
Возраст игроков

Описание «Шахматы Хаоса»

From publisher:

"Chaos Chess. A revolution on the back-and-white field" is a variation of the classic game of chess. The goal of the game remains the same – checkmate your opponent. However, your arsenal is no longer limited by the 16 pieces on the board!

During the course of the game, you can use special cards: mutations, intrigues and maneuvers. Each card introduces a temporary or permanent change into the normal rules of chess. The game strategy becomes much more diversified as it becomes impossible to foretell your opponent’s tactic. An element of chance is added to the game (something completely absent from the classic game of chess). The tables can turn at any time, imposing drastic changes on either side. This is why players in extremely dire situations still have a legitimate chance to win.

In addition to this game set, you will need a chess board with the standard pieces for both sides. You will also at least need to be able to play chess at the most rudimentary level.

"Chess of chaos" is a card addition to classic chess, the idea was created on the base of the game "Tempête sur l'échiquier". "Chess of chaos" is produced in Russia with the permission of the original authors.


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