Shoeby Card Game

Авторы ещё не указаны (добавить)
Карточная, Математика
Карты на руках, Атака игроков
Время игры
5 — 30 мин
Количество игроков
2 — 4
Возраст игроков

Описание «Shoeby Card Game»

The game contains cards with numbers and 'actions' printed on them, in several colors plus a few jokers.

This game is closely related to Crazy Eights, UNO, KFC's Assano and KFC's Actiespel.
General game-play and basic rules are the same those games, the take-that cards might be different from specific versions of those games.

The purpose of the game is to get rid of your own hand cards first. To do this, when it's your turn, you try to match on of your own cards with the color or symbol of the last played card. Jokers are always valid to play, if you have them. If you can't match, you draw a card from a shared draw pile. If you can match that card, you can instantly play it.

The game-box contains 36 card, divided as follows:

  • 3 Cards with the rules in Dutch.
  • 9 Cards with number 1-9, plus 1 "buy-2" card, 1 "skip turn" card and 1 "reverse direction" card, in the color yellow.
  • 9 Cards with number 1-9, plus 1 "buy-2" card, 1 "skip turn" card and 1 "reverse direction" card, in the color blue.
  • 9 Cards with number 1-9, plus 1 "buy-2" card, 1 "skip turn" card and 1 "reverse direction" card, in the color green.
  • 9 Cards with number 1-9, plus 1 "buy-2" card, 1 "skip turn" card and 1 "reverse direction" card, in the color red.
  • 4 Colorless Cards with additional actions, 2 "take-4" cards, 3 "change color" card.

This game was published as part of a promotional campaign for the Shoeby clothes stores.

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