Shout For PIATS: The Battle Of Normandy 1944 (2012)

Ian Daglish
Варгейм, Военные
Бросание кубиков
Время игры
~120 мин
Количество игроков
1 — 2
Возраст игроков

Описание «Shout For PIATS: The Battle Of Normandy 1944»

A game in the ASLComp series by Critical Hit.

Subject: the Allied Operation Epsom (aka First Battle of the Odon), Normandy, France 1944. Centered around battles near the town of Grainville-sur-Odon.

This is a remake of Scotland the Brave II. It contains 12 scenarios, and 2 campaign games, mostly the same as in the original, but with additions (most notably scenarios #21 and #22) and some minor alterations. The game features new map and counter art.

This game allows you to recreate firefights between British and German troops in Normandy 1944, on a tactical scale: individual vehicles, artillery pieces, support weapons, squads and leaders. Combining this game with Orders For The Major, you can play on a large area (campaign games), like in the original combination of Scotland the Brave I + II.

The terrain lends itself for a mixture of close quarter battles around villages and bridges, coupled with long range tank duels, due to the relatively flat, open area with little or no hedges (bocage).

Because of the designer's research and availability of detailed sources on the depicted actions, the scenarios have a highly historically informative value, backed by information and pictures of some of the landmarks in the designer's notes booklet.


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